- mcmcOutput::mcmcListExampleAn object of class 'mcmc.list' produced by 'rjags::coda.samples'
- overlap::kerinciTimes of 'capture' of large mammals
- overlap::pigObsSimulated data for diel activity patterns
- overlap::pigTrueSimulated data for diel activity patterns
- overlap::simCallsSimulated data for bird calls influenced by sunrise
- overlap::tigerObsSimulated data for diel activity patterns
- overlap::tigerTrueSimulated data for diel activity patterns
- wiqid::GrandSkinksMulti-season detection data for grand skinks
- wiqid::KanhaTigersCapture history matrix for camera-trapped tigers
- wiqid::KillarneyBirdsAbundance of woodland birds
- wiqid::MeadowVolesRobust design mark-recapture data for meadow voles
- wiqid::TemburongTree species count data
- wiqid::TemburongBATree species count data
- wiqid::dippersCapture-recapture data for European dippers
- wiqid::distTestDataAn artificial data set to test distance/dissimilarity measures
- wiqid::railSimsSimulated detection/non-detection data for two species of rails
- wiqid::salamandersOccupancy data for blue ridge salamanders
- wiqid::seedbankSeed abundances in soil samples
- wiqid::tovesSimulated detection/non-detection data for a fictitious species
- wiqid::wetaDetection data for weta in gorse bushes