Title: | Functions to Store, Manipulate and Display Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Output |
Description: | Implements a class ('mcmcOutput') for efficiently storing and handling Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output, intended as an aid for those writing customized MCMC samplers. A range of constructor methods are provided covering common output formats. Functions are provided to generate summary and diagnostic statistics and to display histograms or density plots of posterior distributions, for the entire output, or subsets of draws, nodes, or parameters. |
Authors: | Ngumbang Juat [cre], Mike Meredith [aut], John Kruschke [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Ngumbang Juat <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=3) |
Version: | 0.1.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 03:55:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/mikemeredith/mcmcoutput |
When MCMC output has hundreds of monitored nodes, the full cross-correlation matrix produced by cor
is of little use. bigCrossCorr
extracts and reports only those values greater than a given threshold.
bigCrosscorr(x, big = 0.6, digits = 3)
bigCrosscorr(x, big = 0.6, digits = 3)
x |
an object of any class with MCMC output that can be coerced to class |
big |
only values below -big or above +big will be returned |
digits |
the number of decimal places to return |
A data frame with 2 columns for the names of parameters and a 3rd column with the cross-correlation, sorted in order of decreasing absolute cross-correlation.
Mike Meredith
Displays graphically the lower triangle of the correlation matrix among the columns of the input.
crosscorrPlot(x, params=NULL, col, addSpace=c(0,0), ...)
crosscorrPlot(x, params=NULL, col, addSpace=c(0,0), ...)
x |
An object with MCMC chain values, of any class that can be coerced to |
params |
An optional vector of column numbers or names; names are partially matched, so |
col |
The colours to use to code the correlations; default is a blue-yellow-red ramp; NA correlations appear as white boxes. |
addSpace |
A length-2 vector to add extra white space right and above the main display, eg, to provide extra space for long parameter names; units are the width of one box of the display. Unlike |
... |
Additional graphical parameters, see Details. |
The usual graphical parameters can be added in the ... argument. Note the following:
* mar
: a vector of length 4 specifying the width of the margins below, left, above and right of the main plot; you will need to increase the margins to insert xlab
or ylab
; default c(1,1,5,4)
; see the entry for mar
at par
* cex.axis
: controls the size of the parameter names, default 1.2.
* srt
: controls the rotation of the parameter names, 0 = horizontal, 90 = vertical, default 45.
* offset
: controls the distance of the start of the parameter names from the corner of the box in units of box width, default 0.2.
* tcl
: the length of the tick marks next to the parameter names in units of box widths, default 0.1.
* lwd.ticks
: line width for the tick marks, default 1.
* legendAsp
: aspect ratio for the legend, default 0.1.
Returns the correlation matrix invisibly.
Mike Meredith
# Create a data frame of fake MCMC output: mu0 <- rnorm(3000) # normal, mean zero mu10 <- rnorm(3000, rep(9:11, each=1000), 1) + mu0*0.5 # approx normal, mean 10, correlated with mu0 fake <- data.frame( mu0 = mu0, mu10 = mu10, sigma=rlnorm(3000), # non-negative, skewed prob = plogis(1-mu0), # probability, central mode, neg. correlation with mu0 prob0 = rbeta(3000, 1,2), # probability, mode = 0 N = rpois(3000, rep(c(24, 18, 18), each=1000)), # large integers (no zeros), poor mixing n = rpois(3000, 2), # small integers (some zeros) const1 = rep(1, 3000)) # all values = 1 str(fake) tmp <- crosscorrPlot(fake) round(tmp, 2) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Isn't this a really cool plot?") crosscorrPlot(fake, main="A subset of parameters", params=c("mu", "prob", "N")) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Leave out 'sigma'", params=-3) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Just a few colours", col=c("blue","skyblue","pink","red")) names(fake)[5] <- "A_parameter_with_a_very_long_name" crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Is there room?") crosscorrPlot(fake, main="With addSpace=c(2,0)", addSpace=c(2,0))
# Create a data frame of fake MCMC output: mu0 <- rnorm(3000) # normal, mean zero mu10 <- rnorm(3000, rep(9:11, each=1000), 1) + mu0*0.5 # approx normal, mean 10, correlated with mu0 fake <- data.frame( mu0 = mu0, mu10 = mu10, sigma=rlnorm(3000), # non-negative, skewed prob = plogis(1-mu0), # probability, central mode, neg. correlation with mu0 prob0 = rbeta(3000, 1,2), # probability, mode = 0 N = rpois(3000, rep(c(24, 18, 18), each=1000)), # large integers (no zeros), poor mixing n = rpois(3000, 2), # small integers (some zeros) const1 = rep(1, 3000)) # all values = 1 str(fake) tmp <- crosscorrPlot(fake) round(tmp, 2) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Isn't this a really cool plot?") crosscorrPlot(fake, main="A subset of parameters", params=c("mu", "prob", "N")) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Leave out 'sigma'", params=-3) crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Just a few colours", col=c("blue","skyblue","pink","red")) names(fake)[5] <- "A_parameter_with_a_very_long_name" crosscorrPlot(fake, main="Is there room?") crosscorrPlot(fake, main="With addSpace=c(2,0)", addSpace=c(2,0))
Parameters are often constrained to be greater than zero (eg, standard deviation) or within the range (0, 1) (eg, probabilities), but the function density
often returns non-zero densities outside these ranges. Simple truncation does not work, as the area under the curve is < 1. The function densityFolded
attempts to identify these constraints and gives an appropriate density.
If x
is a matrix, detection of constraints and selection of bandwidth is applied to the pooled values, but a separate density curve is fitted to each column of the matrix.
densityFolded(x, bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1, from=NA, to=NA, ...)
densityFolded(x, bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1, from=NA, to=NA, ...)
x |
a numeric vector or matrix from which the estimate is to be computed; missing values not allowed. |
bw |
the smoothing bandwidth to be used; see |
adjust |
the bandwidth used is actually |
from , to
the lower and upper ends of the grid at which the density is to be estimated; if NA, range will cover the values in x; ignored and replaced with 0 or 1 if a constraint is detected. |
... |
other arguments passed to |
Returns a list containing the following components:
the n coordinates of the points where the density is estimated.
a vector or matrix with the estimated density values.
the bandwidth used.
the sample size after elimination of missing values.
the call which produced the result.
the deparsed name of the x argument.
If y
is a vector, the output will have class density
Mike Meredith
require(graphics) oldpar <- par(mfrow=2:1) x1 <- rnorm(1e4) # no constraint on x1 plot(density(x1)) plot(densityFolded(x1)) # no difference x2 <- abs(rnorm(1e4)) # x2 >= 0, with mode at 0 plot(density(x2)) # density > 0 when x2 < 0, mode around 0.2 abline(v=0, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x2)) # mode plotted correctly abline(v=0, col='grey') x3 <- rbeta(1e4, 1.5, 1.5) # 0 <= x3 <= 1 plot(density(x3)) # density > 0 when x2 < 0 and x2 > 1 abline(v=0:1, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x3)) abline(v=0:1, col='grey') x4 <- rbeta(1e4, 1.5, 0.9) # 0 <= x4 <= 1, with mode at 1 plot(density(x4)) # mode appears to be around 0.95 abline(v=0:1, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x4)) # mode plotted correctly abline(v=0:1, col='grey') # Try with a matrix x5 <- cbind(rbeta(1e4, 2,2), rbeta(1e4, 2,3), rbeta(1e4, 3,2)) plot(density(x5)) tmp <- densityFolded(x5) with(tmp, matplot(x, y, type='l')) par(oldpar)
require(graphics) oldpar <- par(mfrow=2:1) x1 <- rnorm(1e4) # no constraint on x1 plot(density(x1)) plot(densityFolded(x1)) # no difference x2 <- abs(rnorm(1e4)) # x2 >= 0, with mode at 0 plot(density(x2)) # density > 0 when x2 < 0, mode around 0.2 abline(v=0, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x2)) # mode plotted correctly abline(v=0, col='grey') x3 <- rbeta(1e4, 1.5, 1.5) # 0 <= x3 <= 1 plot(density(x3)) # density > 0 when x2 < 0 and x2 > 1 abline(v=0:1, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x3)) abline(v=0:1, col='grey') x4 <- rbeta(1e4, 1.5, 0.9) # 0 <= x4 <= 1, with mode at 1 plot(density(x4)) # mode appears to be around 0.95 abline(v=0:1, col='grey') plot(densityFolded(x4)) # mode plotted correctly abline(v=0:1, col='grey') # Try with a matrix x5 <- cbind(rbeta(1e4, 2,2), rbeta(1e4, 2,3), rbeta(1e4, 3,2)) plot(density(x5)) tmp <- densityFolded(x5) with(tmp, matplot(x, y, type='l')) par(oldpar)
Display trace plots and density plots for the chains in the MCMC output. Each chain is plotted with a different colour.
diagPlot(object, params, howMany, chains, maxRows=4, RhatBad=1.05, precision=c("MCEpc", "n.eff"), ask=NULL, ...) tracePlot(object, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...) densityPlot(object, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...) acfPlot(object, lag.max=NULL, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...)
diagPlot(object, params, howMany, chains, maxRows=4, RhatBad=1.05, precision=c("MCEpc", "n.eff"), ask=NULL, ...) tracePlot(object, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...) densityPlot(object, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...) acfPlot(object, lag.max=NULL, layout=c(3,3), ask=NULL, ...)
object |
An object of any class with MCMC output that can be coerced to class |
params |
An optional vector of column numbers or names; names are partially matched, so |
howMany |
How many draws per chain to plot; if negative, the draws at the end of the chains will be plotted; default is to plot all. |
chains |
Which chains to plot, a numeric vector; default is to plot all. |
maxRows |
Maximum number of rows to display in one window; each row consists of a trace plot and a density plot for one parameter. |
RhatBad |
Threshold for Rhat; parameters with |
precision |
The statistic to use for the precision, displayed above the density plot. |
layout |
a length-2 vector with the maximum number of rows and columns to display in the plotting frame. |
lag.max |
Maximum lag at which to calculate the acf. |
ask |
If |
... |
Additional graphical parameters. |
Return nothing, used for their plotting side effects.
Mike Meredith
, postPlot
for a histogram and summary statistics.
# Create a fake mcmcOutput object: tmp <- cbind( mu0 = rnorm(3000), # normal, mean zero mu10 = rnorm(3000, rep(9:11, each=1000), 1), # normal, mean 10, but poor mixing sigma=rlnorm(3000), # non-negative, skewed `prob[1,1]` = rbeta(3000, 4, 4), # probability, central mode `prob[1,2]` = 0.3, # constant `prob[2,1]` = rbeta(3000, 1, 3), # probability, mode = 0 N = rpois(3000, rep(c(24, 18, 18), each=1000)), # large integers (no zeros), poor mixing n = rpois(3000, 2), # small integers (some zeros) allNA = NA, # all values NA someNA = suppressWarnings(log(rnorm(3000, 2, 2))), # some NaNs const1 = rep(1, 3000), # all values = 1 const3.2 = rep(10/3, 3000))# all values the same but not integer ( fake <- mcmcOutput(tmp, nChains = 3) ) summary(fake) diagPlot(fake) diagPlot(fake, params=3:6, main="params = 3:6") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), main="params = c('mu', 'prob')") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=200, main="howMany = 200") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=50, main="howMany = 50") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=-200, main="howMany = -200") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), chains=1:2, main="chains = 1:2") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), chains=2, main="chains = 2") # 1 chain -> no Rhat tracePlot(fake, layout=c(2,2)) densityPlot(fake, xlab="value") acfPlot(fake, lag.max=10, lwd=2) # Use diagPlot with an mcmc.list object data(mcmcListExample) diagPlot(mcmcListExample) diagPlot(mcmcListExample, main="example", params=1:3, precision="n.eff")
# Create a fake mcmcOutput object: tmp <- cbind( mu0 = rnorm(3000), # normal, mean zero mu10 = rnorm(3000, rep(9:11, each=1000), 1), # normal, mean 10, but poor mixing sigma=rlnorm(3000), # non-negative, skewed `prob[1,1]` = rbeta(3000, 4, 4), # probability, central mode `prob[1,2]` = 0.3, # constant `prob[2,1]` = rbeta(3000, 1, 3), # probability, mode = 0 N = rpois(3000, rep(c(24, 18, 18), each=1000)), # large integers (no zeros), poor mixing n = rpois(3000, 2), # small integers (some zeros) allNA = NA, # all values NA someNA = suppressWarnings(log(rnorm(3000, 2, 2))), # some NaNs const1 = rep(1, 3000), # all values = 1 const3.2 = rep(10/3, 3000))# all values the same but not integer ( fake <- mcmcOutput(tmp, nChains = 3) ) summary(fake) diagPlot(fake) diagPlot(fake, params=3:6, main="params = 3:6") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), main="params = c('mu', 'prob')") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=200, main="howMany = 200") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=50, main="howMany = 50") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), howMany=-200, main="howMany = -200") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), chains=1:2, main="chains = 1:2") diagPlot(fake, params=c("mu", "prob"), chains=2, main="chains = 2") # 1 chain -> no Rhat tracePlot(fake, layout=c(2,2)) densityPlot(fake, xlab="value") acfPlot(fake, lag.max=10, lwd=2) # Use diagPlot with an mcmc.list object data(mcmcListExample) diagPlot(mcmcListExample) diagPlot(mcmcListExample, main="example", params=1:3, precision="n.eff")
One way to assess the fit of a model is to calculate the discrepancy between the observed data and the values predicted by the model. For binomial and count data, the discrepancy will not be zero because the data are integers while the predictions are continuous. To assess whether the observed discrepancy is acceptable, we simulate new data according to the model and calculate discrepancies for the simulated data.
Function discrepancyPlot
produces a scatter plot of the MCMC chains for observed vs simulated discrepancies and calculates and displays a p-value, the proportion of simulated discrepancy values that exceed the observed discrepancy.
discrepancyPlot(object, observed, simulated, ...)
discrepancyPlot(object, observed, simulated, ...)
object |
An object of class |
observed |
character; the name of the parameter for the observed discrepancy. |
simulated |
character; the name of the parameter for the simulated discrepancies. |
... |
additional graphical parameters passed to the |
Returns the proportion of simulated discrepancy values that exceed the observed discrepancy, often referred to as a "Bayesian p-value".
Mike Meredith.
# Get some data data(mcmcListExample) ( mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) ) # Tobs and Tsim are the Freeman-Tukey discrepancy measures discrepancyPlot(mco, observed="Tobs", simulated="Tsim") # defaults discrepancyPlot(mco, observed="Tobs", simulated="Tsim", main="Salamanders", col='red')
# Get some data data(mcmcListExample) ( mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) ) # Tobs and Tsim are the Freeman-Tukey discrepancy measures discrepancyPlot(mco, observed="Tobs", simulated="Tsim") # defaults discrepancyPlot(mco, observed="Tobs", simulated="Tsim", main="Salamanders", col='red')
These functions calculated diagnostic statistics for objects of class mcmcOutput
. Optionally, only values that are worse than a predefined threshold will be returned, and values can be sorted so that the worst are at the start of the output vector.
getMCE(x, pc=TRUE, bad=5, sort=TRUE) getNeff(x, bad=10000, sort=TRUE) getRhat(x, bad=1.1, sort=TRUE)
getMCE(x, pc=TRUE, bad=5, sort=TRUE) getNeff(x, bad=10000, sort=TRUE) getRhat(x, bad=1.1, sort=TRUE)
x |
an object of any class with MCMC output that can be coerced to class |
pc |
if TRUE, the value of the MC error as a percentage of the posterior SD will be returned. |
bad |
threshold for "bad" values: only values above this (for |
sort |
if TRUE, the values will be sorted, with the worst at the top. |
returns the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin (BGR) convergence diagnostic (Brooks & Gelman 1998), a non-parametric 'interval' estimator of the 'potential scale reduction factor' for MCMC output. Similar to the function coda::gelman.diag
, but faster when thousands of parameters are involved and will not cause R to crash.
returns the Monte Carlo standard error calculated using the batch method of Lunn et al (2013, p77); see also Roberts (1996).
returns the effective number of draws taking account of autocorrelation within each chain. It is a wrapper for coda::effectiveSize
A named vector with the values of the diagnostic. Values of NA will be excluded unless bad = NA
. It may have length 0 if no values are bad.
Mike Meredith
Brooks, S.P. & Gelman, A. (1998) General methods for monitoring convergence of iterative simulations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 434-455.
Lunn, D., Jackson, C., Best, N., Thomas, A., & Spiegelhalter, D. (2013) The BUGS book: a practical introduction to Bayesian analysis, Chapman and Hall.
Roberts, G.O. (1996). Markov chain concepts related to sampling algorithms. In Markov Chain Monte Carlo in practice (eds W.R. Gilks, D.J. Spiegelhalter & S. Richardson). Chapman & Hall, London.
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) getMCE(mco, bad=2) getMCE(mco, bad=0) # returns all except NAs getMCE(mco, bad=NA) # returns all including NAs getMCE(mco, bad=NA, sort=FALSE) # returns all, in original order getNeff(mco, bad=2800) getNeff(mco, bad=Inf) # returns all except NAs getNeff(mco, bad=NA) # returns all including NAs getRhat(mco) getRhat(mco, bad=0) getRhat(mco, bad=NA, sort=FALSE) # Extract the values with 'bad' MCE and do plots: ( badNodes <- names(getMCE(mco, bad=2)) ) ( badMco <- mco[badNodes] ) plot(badMco)
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) getMCE(mco, bad=2) getMCE(mco, bad=0) # returns all except NAs getMCE(mco, bad=NA) # returns all including NAs getMCE(mco, bad=NA, sort=FALSE) # returns all, in original order getNeff(mco, bad=2800) getNeff(mco, bad=Inf) # returns all except NAs getNeff(mco, bad=NA) # returns all including NAs getRhat(mco) getRhat(mco, bad=0) getRhat(mco, bad=NA, sort=FALSE) # Extract the values with 'bad' MCE and do plots: ( badNodes <- names(getMCE(mco, bad=2)) ) ( badMco <- mco[badNodes] ) plot(badMco)
produced by rjags::coda.samples
This is the output of a basic occupancy model applied to detection/non-detection data for blue ridge salamanders (Eurycea wilderae) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (MacKenzie et al, 2006 p99). Detections were recorded for 5 visits to each of 39 sites, and the data are the number of visits where the species was detected.
The model has five parameters:
scalar, the probability of occupancy.
is the probability of detection given presence; p[2,2]
is a dummy variable with values drawn from a Beta(0.5,0.5) distribution; p[1,2]
and p[2,1]
are not defined, so p
is a "ragged array".
a vector of length 39, one value for each site.
scalar, the Freeman-Tukey discrepancy for the observed data.
scalar, the Freeman-Tukey discrepancy for the simulated data.
The number of nodes monitored is 44 (p[1,2]
and p[2,1]
are not monitored).
Three MCMC chains were run, with 1000 adaptation iterations, 1000 burn-in, and 1000 iterations saved per chain after thinning by 10.
is mcmc.list
object as defined in package coda.
MacKenzie, D I; J D Nichols; A J Royle; K H Pollock; L L Bailey; J E Hines 2006. Occupancy estimation and modeling : inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence. Elsevier Publishing.
data(mcmcListExample) str(mcmcListExample) # convert to class mcmcOutput ( mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) ) summary(mco) # Extract with "$" p <- mco$p str(p) p[1:5,,] # Elements of p not defined in the model are filled with NAs # "[" with one index, produces new mcmcOutput object head(mco[4:5]) print(mco[c("z[35]", "z[39]")]) # "[" with two indices mco[1:5, "psi"] # First 5 values for psi (chain #1) # "[" with three indices mco[1:5, 2, "psi"] # First 5 values for psi in chain #2
data(mcmcListExample) str(mcmcListExample) # convert to class mcmcOutput ( mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) ) summary(mco) # Extract with "$" p <- mco$p str(p) p[1:5,,] # Elements of p not defined in the model are filled with NAs # "[" with one index, produces new mcmcOutput object head(mco[4:5]) print(mco[c("z[35]", "z[39]")]) # "[" with two indices mco[1:5, "psi"] # First 5 values for psi (chain #1) # "[" with three indices mco[1:5, 2, "psi"] # First 5 values for psi in chain #2
Convert output containing MCMC chains to the class mcmcOutput
. The function is generic, with methods for a range of input objects.
, summary
, plot
and window
methods are available for the class. See also postPlot
, discrepancyPlot
, crosscorrPlot
, postPriorOverlap
mcmcOutput(object, ...) ## Default S3 method: mcmcOutput(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmc.list' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmc' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'jagsUI' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bugs' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'rjags' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'runjags' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' mcmcOutput(object, nChains=1, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' mcmcOutput(object, nChains=1, header, ...)
mcmcOutput(object, ...) ## Default S3 method: mcmcOutput(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmc.list' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmc' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'jagsUI' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bugs' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'rjags' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'runjags' mcmcOutput(object, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' mcmcOutput(object, nChains=1, header, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' mcmcOutput(object, nChains=1, header, ...)
object |
an object containing the MCMC chains; see Details. |
header |
text to use as the header by |
nChains |
the number of chains. |
... |
named arguments to be passed to other methods (currently not used). |
objects store the output from MCMC estimation runs in a compact and easily accessible format. Several customised extraction methods are available:
$ |
: extracts arrays for individual parameters in the same way as a sims.list . |
[ with 1 index |
: returns a new mcmcOutput object with the selected node(s). |
[ with 2 indices |
: returns the selected row(s) and columns(s). |
[ with 3 indices |
: behaves as an iterations x chains x nodes array. |
An object of class mcmcOutput
. This is a matrix with a column for the MCMC chain for each node monitored. The first 2 attributes in the list below must be present, the rest are optional but may be used by print
or summary
nChains |
the number of chains. |
simsList |
a list specifying which columns correspond to each parameter. |
header |
text to be displayed as the first line when the object is printed. |
call |
the original function call. |
modelFile |
the name of the original model file. |
timeTaken |
the time taken in seconds for the MCMC run. |
runDate |
an object of class POSIXct with the date of the MCMC run. |
Mike Meredith.
Plot the posterior probability distribution(s) for the nodes of a mmcmcOutput
object. postPlot
is equivalent to plot(mcmcOutput(object))
Note the new argument center
with options to display the mean, median or mode; this replaces the showMode
argument. The argument CRImass
replaces credMass
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' plot(x, params, layout=c(3,3), center = c("mean", "median", "mode"), CRImass=0.95, compVal = NULL, ROPE = NULL, HDItextPlace = 0.7, showCurve = FALSE, shadeHDI = NULL, ...) postPlot(object, params, layout=c(3,3), center = c("mean", "median", "mode"), CRImass=0.95, compVal = NULL, ROPE = NULL, HDItextPlace = 0.7, showCurve = FALSE, shadeHDI = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' plot(x, params, layout=c(3,3), center = c("mean", "median", "mode"), CRImass=0.95, compVal = NULL, ROPE = NULL, HDItextPlace = 0.7, showCurve = FALSE, shadeHDI = NULL, ...) postPlot(object, params, layout=c(3,3), center = c("mean", "median", "mode"), CRImass=0.95, compVal = NULL, ROPE = NULL, HDItextPlace = 0.7, showCurve = FALSE, shadeHDI = NULL, ...)
x |
An object of class |
object |
An object of any class that can be coerced to class |
params |
An optional vector of column numbers or names; names are partially matched, so |
layout |
a length-2 vector with the maximum number of rows and columns to display in the plotting frame. |
center |
the statistic to use to represent the central tendency. |
CRImass |
the probability mass to include in credible intervals; set this to NULL to suppress plotting of credible intervals. |
compVal |
a single value for comparison with those plotted; the same value will be used for all the plots. |
a two element vector, such as |
HDItextPlace |
a value in [0,1] that controls the horizontal position of the labels at the ends of the HDI bar. |
showCurve |
logical: if TRUE, the posterior density will be represented by a kernel density function instead of a histogram. |
shadeHDI |
specifies a colour to shade the area under the curve corresponding to the HDI; NULL for no shading. Ignored if |
... |
graphical parameters and the |
The data are plotted either as a histogram (above) or, if showCurve = TRUE
, as a fitted kernel density curve (below). The mean, median or mode of the distribution is displayed, depending on the parameter center
. The Highest Density Interval (HDI) is shown as a horizontal bar, with labels for the ends of the interval.
If a comparison value (compVal
) is supplied, this is shown as a vertical green dotted line, together with the probability mass below and above this value. If values for a ROPE are supplied, these are shown as dark red vertical dashed lines, together with the percentage of probability mass within the ROPE.
Returns nothing. Used for its plotting side-effect.
Mike Meredith, based on code by John Kruschke.
For details of the HDI calculation, see hdi
# Use the example data set data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) plot(mco) plot(mco, "p") # plots p[1,1], p[2,2] and psi plot(mco, "p[") # plots p[1,1] and p[2,2], not psi # Generate some data normal <- rnorm(1e5, 2, 1) postPlot(normal) postPlot(normal, col='wheat', border='magenta') postPlot(normal, CRImass=0.8, compVal=0, ROPE=c(-0.2,0.2), xlab="Response variable") postPlot(normal, center="mode", showCurve=TRUE, compVal=5.5) # For integers: integers <- rpois(1e5, 12) postPlot(integers) # A severely bimodal distribution: bimodal <- c(rnorm(1e5), rnorm(5e4, 7)) postPlot(bimodal) # A valid 95% CrI, but not HDI postPlot(bimodal, showCurve=TRUE) # Correct 95% HDI postPlot(bimodal, showCurve=TRUE, shadeHDI='pink')
# Use the example data set data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) plot(mco) plot(mco, "p") # plots p[1,1], p[2,2] and psi plot(mco, "p[") # plots p[1,1] and p[2,2], not psi # Generate some data normal <- rnorm(1e5, 2, 1) postPlot(normal) postPlot(normal, col='wheat', border='magenta') postPlot(normal, CRImass=0.8, compVal=0, ROPE=c(-0.2,0.2), xlab="Response variable") postPlot(normal, center="mode", showCurve=TRUE, compVal=5.5) # For integers: integers <- rpois(1e5, 12) postPlot(integers) # A severely bimodal distribution: bimodal <- c(rnorm(1e5), rnorm(5e4, 7)) postPlot(bimodal) # A valid 95% CrI, but not HDI postPlot(bimodal, showCurve=TRUE) # Correct 95% HDI postPlot(bimodal, showCurve=TRUE, shadeHDI='pink')
Calculates and displays the overlap between a posterior distribution (as a vector of values, typically draws from an MCMC process) and a prior distribution (as a vector of values or as a function).
postPriorOverlap(x, prior, priorPars, breaks=NULL, hcols=c("skyblue", "yellow", "green", "white"), ...)
postPriorOverlap(x, prior, priorPars, breaks=NULL, hcols=c("skyblue", "yellow", "green", "white"), ...)
x |
a vector of values drawn from the target distribution. |
prior |
either a vector of values drawn from the prior distribution or the name for the density function of the distribution; standard R functions for this have a |
priorPars |
a named list of parameters to be passed to |
breaks |
controls the histogram break points or the number of bars; see |
hcols |
a vector of four colours for the histograms: posterior, prior, overlap, and borders. See the Color Specification section of |
... |
other graphical parameters. |
Returns the overlap, the area lying under the lower of the two density curves.
Mike Meredith
# Generate some data foo <- rbeta(1e4, 5, 7) # check overlap with a Beta(0.2, 0.2) prior: postPriorOverlap(foo, dbeta, list(shape1=0.2, shape2=0.2)) # check overlap with a Uniform(0, 1) prior: postPriorOverlap(foo, runif(1e6))
# Generate some data foo <- rbeta(1e4, 5, 7) # check overlap with a Beta(0.2, 0.2) prior: postPriorOverlap(foo, dbeta, list(shape1=0.2, shape2=0.2)) # check overlap with a Uniform(0, 1) prior: postPriorOverlap(foo, runif(1e6))
generates a data frame with summary and diagnostic statistics for each of the MCMC chains in the mcmcOutput
object, and (if verbose = TRUE
) prints a brief overview to the Console. The data frame will be displayed in the Console unless assigned to an object or passed to View
generates summary and diagnostic statistics for each of the MCMC chains in the mcmcOutput
object and returns them as a list-of-lists, see Value.
and sumryList
now have a CRItype="none"
option and arguments to include overlap0
and f
in the summary table.
displays characteristics of the mcmcOutput
object. It does not display summaries of the values: for that use summary
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' summary(object, digits=3, median=TRUE, mode=FALSE, CRItype=c("hdi", "symmetrical", "none"), CRImass=0.95, Rhat=TRUE, MCEpc = TRUE, n.eff=FALSE, overlap0=FALSE, f=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' print(x, ...) sumryList(object, median=TRUE, mode=FALSE, CRItype=c("hdi", "symmetrical", "none"), CRImass=0.95, Rhat=TRUE, MCEpc = TRUE, n.eff=FALSE, overlap0=FALSE, f=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' summary(object, digits=3, median=TRUE, mode=FALSE, CRItype=c("hdi", "symmetrical", "none"), CRImass=0.95, Rhat=TRUE, MCEpc = TRUE, n.eff=FALSE, overlap0=FALSE, f=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' print(x, ...) sumryList(object, median=TRUE, mode=FALSE, CRItype=c("hdi", "symmetrical", "none"), CRImass=0.95, Rhat=TRUE, MCEpc = TRUE, n.eff=FALSE, overlap0=FALSE, f=FALSE, ...)
x , object
an object of class |
digits |
the number of digits for rounding of values in the output. |
median |
if TRUE, the median will be included as a column in the data frame produced. |
mode |
if TRUE, the mode will be included as a column in the data frame produced. |
CRItype |
if |
CRImass |
the probability mass to include in the credible interval; if |
Rhat |
if TRUE, estimates of Rhat will be included; ignored if only 1 chain or < 100 values per chain. See |
MCEpc |
if TRUE, estimates of the Monte Carlo standard error as a percentage of the posterior SD will be included; ignored if < 100 values per chain. See |
n.eff |
if TRUE, estimates of the effective number of draws allowing for autocorrelation will be included; ignored if < 100 values per chain. See |
overlap0 |
if TRUE, a column with TRUE/FALSE will be included, indicating whether the credible interval includes zero. Ignored if no CRI is calculated. |
f |
if TRUE, a column with the proportion of the posterior with the same sign as the mean. |
verbose |
if FALSE, suppresses output to the Console, other than the table of statistics. |
... |
further arguments for the print or summary function. |
returns x
returns a data frame with columns for summary and diagnostic statistics and a row for each node; mean and SD are always included, other columns if selected. It has attributes for nChains
and simsList
derived from the input object. The output will appear in the Console unless assigned to an object or passed to View
returns a list with a component for each statistic; each component is itself a list with the values for each parameter. See examples.
Mike Meredith.
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) mco # equivalent to ... print(mco) summary(mco) # just the summary data frame summary(mco, verbose=FALSE) # assign the output to an object tmp <- summary(mco, median=FALSE, CRItype="sym", CRImass=0.8, n.eff=TRUE, MCEpc=FALSE) tmp mcos <- sumryList(mco) str(mcos) mcos$mean$p mcos$MCEpc$z
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) mco # equivalent to ... print(mco) summary(mco) # just the summary data frame summary(mco, verbose=FALSE) # assign the output to an object tmp <- summary(mco, median=FALSE, CRItype="sym", CRImass=0.8, n.eff=TRUE, MCEpc=FALSE) tmp mcos <- sumryList(mco) str(mcos) mcos$mean$p mcos$MCEpc$z
The window
method extracts the subset of the draws between start
and end
. Setting thin = k
selects every k
th observation starting from start
Use window
to discard additional draws at the start of the chain if extra burn-in is required, or to reduce the size of the object by thinning. See the examples.
Any previous burn-in or thinning is ignored (unlike the coda::window.mcmc
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' window(x, start=1, end=NULL, thin=1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mcmcOutput' window(x, start=1, end=NULL, thin=1, ...)
x |
an object of class |
start |
the first observation to retain. |
end |
the last observation to retain; if NULL, this is set to the end of the chain. |
thin |
the interval between retained observations. |
... |
further arguments for other methods (not used). |
Returns an object of class mcmcOutput
with the subset of observations.
Mike Meredith.
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) mco new1 <- window(mco, start=201) # Discard the first 200 draws in each chain new1 # Now only 800 per chain. new2 <- window(mco, thin=3) # Retain only 1/3 of the draws new2 # new2 is smaller; each chain reduced from 1000 to 333, total draws 999.
data(mcmcListExample) mco <- mcmcOutput(mcmcListExample) mco new1 <- window(mco, start=201) # Discard the first 200 draws in each chain new1 # Now only 800 per chain. new2 <- window(mco, thin=3) # Retain only 1/3 of the draws new2 # new2 is smaller; each chain reduced from 1000 to 333, total draws 999.